How I work

I've worked as an LMS Admin (Moodle, Itslearning, Google Classroom). I'm an experienced Digital Skills Trainer, a certified Digital Support Provider (Finnish Digital Agency) and a Google Certified Educator level 2.

Working C-D-E

For an upcoming piano player, C, D and E are the beginning of learning.

To me, they are also the beginning of any design project: 

  • Customer orientation
  • Design
  • Equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging

... for the customer

I have some 15 years of experience in collaboration with stakeholders of various fields to design, organise and facilitate learning possibilities that meet the needs of clients with a wide range of challenges. 

I have established close partnerships with a range of NGOs, educational institutions and businesses to share ideas and to best serve our mutual clients.

Discussing the next learning goals with an employee and the owner of a building construction company.
Discussing the next learning goals with an employee and the owner of a building construction company.

... for the best design

  1. Let ADDIE meet Design Thinking Process. Find the right balance between agility and waterfall
  2. Add community data from various sources and stir
  3. Blend in a pinch of Design Tools depending on the current taste preferences (e.g. Journey Mapping, Personas, Stakeholder Mapping or Service Roadmaps)
  4. Fill the pot with collaboration (with SMEs, stakeholders, team members)
  5. Check the taste: is the result accessible and free of any barriers?
  6. Let boil for a while
  7. Enjoy!

... for equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging

A successful change needs people who plan, initiate, manage and facilitate it. I support, promote and coordinate efforts for EDIB, suggest concrete measures for internal learning and development iniatives, and evaluate their impact in the organisation.

In my pursuit for E, D, I and B in all aspects of my own work, I emphasize teamwork, community engagement and cross-sectoral collaboration with organisations and networks that support the rights of e.g. senior citizens, LGBT+ people,  immigrants, or people who live on the margins of society.

In February 2022, the ASPA Foundation interviewed me and my colleague on our work for barrier-free and accessible library services. 

In Riga with the Riga Bear!
In Riga with the Riga Bear!
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